Thursday, 20 December 2018

Download Free C Programming Book 3rd Edition

C Programming Book in English PDF

C Programming is the basic to start. It is taught in intermediate level. It is the basic of C++. Every programmer start the concepts from C language. It has all the programming concepts. C is a ground-breaking universally useful programming dialect. It is quick, convenient and accessible in all stages. 
In the event that you are new to programming, C is a decent decision to begin your programming venture. This is a complete guide on the most proficient method to begin in C programming dialect, why you ought to learn it and how you can learn it.

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Download Free HTML Course in Urdu PDF

Download HTML Course in Urdu PDF Free

The Students and other person who wants to become Web Designer. So they should learn HTML,CSS First. This is the gift for you If you are unable to understand HTML in English. Then Try this course in Urdu for Free. HTML, CSS, Java Script are major parts of Web designing. So download and read this book and you will learn quickly about Head Body and tags etc. 

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Wednesday, 19 December 2018

MS Office 2010 in Urdu By Zahid Sharjeel PDF

Download MS Office 2010 in Urdu 

This is MS Office 2010 Complete in Urdu. It is also known as Microsoft Office. This is complete Office suite. All the big companies all over in the word uses Microsoft Office in there offices. Because it has become need of every person. Now a days in Every job they demand that the applicant should know how to use Microsoft office. So you don't need to worry about that. If you have not done any computer course and if you are don't understand the English very well then here is a free gift for you. MS Office 2010 Complete in Urdu. Here gain the complete understanding and concept of MS Office in Urdu. You may become a master in MS Office. This is best updated, easier and user friendly version. 
This is written by Zahid Sharjeel.
It includes:
  • MS Word
  • MS Excel 
  • MS Power Point
  • MS Access

Download Shiyyat Ka Muqadma By Hussain Al Amini

Shiyyat Ka Muqadma By Hussain Al Amini Urdu PDF

Shiyyat (Shiat) Ka Muqadma is Written by Hussain Al Amini. This book is prized to the writer. It is the most famous book which describes the true believes of Shia. This book clarifies the misconceptions about shias. Actually he fought the case in the court of Sunnis. He has done a great job by the correction of misunderstandings about Shia. So Download And read this book. 

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Download Google Ad-sense in Urdu

Google Ad sense in Urdu PDF

In Now a days Google Ad-sense has become a big online earning source. People are earning and being payed with google ad-sense. Google Ad-sense has some rules and regulation which most people cannot understand. So here I am presenting an Urdu book for understanding the rules and regulation of google ad-sense. So download this book and gain knowledge about google ad-sense and earn money. This can be added on your blog, Website and on YouTube channel as well.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Download Free C++ in Urdu PDF

C++ Book in Urdu PDF

Dear readers and fellows presenting you a glorious gift of programming. C++ is the most common subject of programming which is taught in the universities in Computer Science, Information Technology and Software Engineering. This is the base of programming. But the problem is many brilliant student can't get the concept because of English. They cannot understand the concept of programming properly because of English. So here is the solution This is C++ in Urdu PDF. It has all the contents with good examples. It has all the course from scratch to expert level. Once a man read and understand this book he will be expert in programming and in C plus plus as well. This book is the quick way to learn C++. All Boys and girls take the benefit by reading this book. 
Written By: Muhammad Zulqarnain Chaudhry
Size: 33.8 MB

Download PHP, MySQL and Web Development in Urdu PDF

PHP, MySQL And Web Development in Urdu PDF

Dear fellows and visitors if you are seeking for the knowledge of Information Technology then you are on the right place. The students who are afraid of English and cannot understand their important course in English here presenting you a Book of PHP, Web Development in Urdu. Now you can get a great concept of Web Development.  It has very unique and authentic course from scratch to expert. 
So download this Book in Urdu PDF Web Development and also MySQL. 
All my Brothers and sister who are studying in universities and want to get the concept they can read this book in Urdu and can understand easily. It has the installation method of software's used in PHP, Web Development and MySQL. So download this book and gain knowledge.  
This book is Written by : Shakeel Muhammad Khan
Size: 15.7 MB

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Monday, 17 December 2018

Download Tib E Imam RAZA A.S in Urdu

TiB E Imam Raza A.S In Urdu

This is the book for cure according to the preaching of Aima (Imams) "The AhleBait of Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAWW. In this book the quotes of Hazrat Imam Raza Have been written. Imam Raza a.s is son of Hazrat Musa Kazim A.S, He is son of Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s. He is son of Imam Muhammad Baqir A.S. He is son of Imam Sajjad A.S. He is Son of Imam Hussain A.S. He is Son Imam Ali ibn E ABi Talib A.S. So this is the authentic book for beleivers. It has almost many cure and care for every illness. This is encyclopedia of homeopathic. 
It has all the authentic and Basic Cure of every illness. So you have the best gift. Download this Tibb E Imam Raza A.S In Urdu PDF. 

Size: 1.15 MB

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